Movement Building from the
Life of Christ Videos
0. Movement Building from the Life of Christ
Model of Jerusalem Overview
2. Herodian Fortress (Bethlehem)
3. Jesus and His Family (Nazareth Precipice)
4. Jesus as a Boy (Wadi Qelt)
5. Jesus as a Young Man (Nazareth Precipice)
6. Jesus as a Carpenter (Sepphoris – the Language of Culture)
7. John the Baptist (Judean Wilderness)
8. Jesus’ Baptism (Jordan River)
9. Phase 2 Chronology
10. Jesus in the Judean Wilderness
11. Jesus Calls His First Disciples (Come and See… Follow Me)
12. Jesus and Women Disciples (Magdala)
13. Temple Mount in the Time of Jesus (Western Wall of Temple Mount)
14. The Temple Mount
15. John the Baptist (Kingdom Agenda)
16. The Samaritan Woman (Jacob’s Well at Sychar)
17. The Samaritans (Mount Gerizim)
18. The Royal Official (Valley of the Doves)
19. Four Transitions (Capernaum)
20. Healing the Paralytic (Pool of Bethesda)
21. Fishers of Men (Sea of Galilee)
22. Fishing Trips (Capernaum)
23. Choosing the Twelve (Mount Arbel)
24. The Amazing Centurion (Mount of Beatitudes)
25. A Night of Prayer (Eremos Cave)
26. Peter’s Confession (Caesarea-Philippi)
27. The Cost of Following Jesus (Caesarea-Philippi)
28. Views of Jesus (Damascus Gate in Jerusalem)
29. Sending the 72 (The Jordan Valley)
30. Final Ascent to Jerusalem (Jericho)
32. The Triumphal Entry (Bethany, Bethphage and Mt of Olives)
31. Events of Passion Week (Mount of Olives)
33. The Last Supper (Steps to the Upper Room)
34. Praying in the Garden (The Garden of Gethsemane)
35. Discipling like Jesus – John 17 (Kidron Valley)
36. He’s Alive! (Church of the Holy Sepulcher and Garden Tomb)
37. Jesus’ Appearance to Peter (Sea of Galilee)
38. The Birth of the Church (Southern Steps of the Temple Mount)
39. The Great Commission
40. Acts and Beyond (Caesarea Maritima)
41. The Early Church (Laodicea)